Sunday, March 15, 2009

Various People/India

An attendant at the fort at Jodhpur.

An old lady who offered us cold water at a railway crossing.

Another group waiting at the railway crossing. 
What pretty dresses when no important party was in evidence.

At the palace at Udaipur newly married couples took pictures of each other in front of splendid peacock decorations. You can see me lurking at the right....

The little girl who sold us peanuts ear the Jain Temple at the fort at Chitturgh.

This splendid fellow ushered us into lunch and wanted a tip for admiring his wonderful moustache. Needless to say, I gave him a small amount.

This poor young man had been sleeping in the back of his beautifully decorated car. He was on his way to his wedding and his friends wanted us to greet him. They put his shoes and turban on but he still looks a little confused.

No strollers here! The little girl wears make-up.

Demonstrating the use of the hookah. The fort at Jodhpur.

The university student who painted a henna decoration on my arm. Jaiselmer.


  1. Those mustaches are absolutely fantastical! Hmmm....any chance of getting Robert to grow one? (Can you imagine?)

  2. Lovely photographs - I think one of the things I love about India is the vibrant colour of the womens' saris. I imagine them being dyed with harsh vegetable dyes - and that moustache is quite something. Have enjoyed you tast of India Elizabeth but am looking forward to New York pics again!

  3. I love all your shots! The colourful dresses, ppl, rich & poor...

    Hope you have a wonderful time.

  4. Those were wonderful! The mustaches were especially marvelous.

  5. I am in love of the people!!! Thank you!

  6. I loved the man in the red turban with the world record mustache. Yes, I did see the Bonnard show. Some of his brilliant colors were very unexpected, and his compositions resembled those of his friend Matisse. He loved yellow.

  7. I particularly like the mother and baby. Dressed for an occasion or everyday, I wonder.

  8. Fantastic photographs Elizabeth, you catch every subject beautifully. That little girl! with a marigold in her mouth...

    I am just loving this photographic journey with you!

  9. What a visual treat, Elizabeth. I love the color and up close's all a bit out of control... hope you are having a wonderful time! <3

  10. I love those mustaches...I will be very tempted to touch them! As usual, India always offer a burst of colours :D

  11. Hah! The handle bar moustache (of the attendant). I met one or two of those in GB. Imagine, a bowler hat and a pin stripe suit! The white sari on man or woman looks so much more relaxed, elegant!

  12. I've just looked through your Indian photos Elizabeth. What a wonderful trip. Made me "homesick" to go back to my dear Carolyn and Hossy.........

    ......may be one day.....

  13. Gosh, some very beautiful and amazing characters, you captured them so well.

  14. wonderful photos,I love all the colorful sari's,looks like you are having a wonderful time....Barb

  15. Such fantastic mustaches!!

    beautiful colors.

  16. Love the faces!


  17. The jewellery, the saris, the henna! Wonderful photos, Elizabeth. I think you must have had a beautiful time.

  18. Another visual feast! I keep coming back again and again to look in wonder and delight.

  19. Beautiful portraits!
    Well done!


  20. This is my favourite group of photos so far. I love the wild moustaches. The little girl with the smokey eyes is so sweet!

  21. These are so good, E. As much as I like looking at buildings, animals, nature, etc. -- for me, nothing fascinates quite as much as the human face.

    The man (resplendent in raspberry) with that wonderful twirled white mustachio is portrait-like. It should be given all the honour of a painting on the wall -- and you could make postcards from it!


I look forward to hearing from you!