Friday, December 26, 2008

Clear and Bright


  1. Love the blue sky and bluish greenish building and ever popular blue tarped windows.....

  2. What a difference even one day makes. We too have blue skies today. Smile.

  3. Wow. New York and L.A. Seem to have a lot in common lately...

  4. I like your blog, as I love N.Y. and read you often. I am new to blogland and would like you to visit me. If you enjoy your visit, could you add me to your favorites, I would really appreciate your sharing. Happy New Year wish I could be in time square. thanks for your pictures. brook

  5. lovely. it almost looks like it is warm here:)

  6. The buildings seem like painted wood blocks that children put together- only more abstract. Beautiful.

  7. Very clear and bright. Is that green building a hotel or a residence? It's interesting to see how New Yorkers are building their houses on top of existing buildings these days.

  8. Few sights can match blue skies.

  9. Looks like you are having some wonderful, perfect Christmas weather.

  10. good morning dear elisabeth.. i just came from be from norway who visited my nlog the days before.and now i see yours . my dead brother once lived in new york i ll come again her eand to your african blog love it thanks for sharing
    andrea foto-sh

  11. Love the blue sky and the mock snow falling. Happy New Year to you all.

  12. Fab photos Elizabeth! It was blue here today too, makes such a difference to how you feel doesn't it?
    I hope you're having a great time woth your family :)

  13. Everything is looking beautiful here, Elizabeth.

    Happy holidays to you and your lovely family11


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