Tuesday, February 24, 2009

India/beyond Jet Lag

Bumpers on a moped taxi.

From the taxi.......

Wonderful looking fruit..........don't know what it is.

Red sandstone tomb.


  1. I knew it! I knew you'd be taking all your devoted fans on a most wonderful 'tour' of India...and my goodness, it has started with a glorious collection of images. Thank you, Elizabeth, I absolutely cannot wait to see more.

  2. Ooh, I guess you made it safely! Have a great time!

  3. Glad you made it there safe. Knowing you, that camera of yours has been clicking away non stop ;)
    I love your introduction to India. Can't wait for more photos taking with that keen eye of yours.

  4. Oh, yummy! I've been looking forward to these goodies!!

    Glad to know you made it, safe and sound.

  5. Oh wow! I am going to India next january - my first trip there, I can't wait! Keep posting those beautiful pictures, I'm looking forward to more. Have a nice and safe trip!

  6. Those little olive looking things are kumquats (sp?) and I had no idea you were headed to India .. how fabulous!

  7. What a wonderful surprise. I can't wait to see what happens next.

  8. So very lovely to stop by and catch up on all your photos. Thanks for sharing so much of the world. XO

  9. The little fruits--I don't know. But I recognized mango, lemon and guava.

    I'm looking forward to more photos!

  10. Thank you Elizabeth for sharing these shots of India. I've ALWAYS been fascinated by people, food, things, textiles from India.
    Your photos always seem to capture the essence of real life for me.
    Thank you! So grateful to know you are safe and sound!
    Hi to Robert.


  11. Have a nice days!

    Can't wait to see your fabolous pictures!

  12. The colour of that sandstone is so wonderful. I'd love to do an entire room around it.

    Wishing you loads and loads of fun!!

  13. I want to play "Where in the World is Elizabeth?" :-)

    Wonderful pictures in magical places...

  14. So lovely to see India through your eyes. I must go back a few posts now and see why you are there - biz or pleasure etc etc

    Have fun

  15. my favs are the one showing people about their business - yesterday London, toady India - I love being an armchair traveler.

  16. What a delight! We get to go to India with Elizabeth! I love the market pic...I wonder what they are, too, everything in the capture. <3

  17. Oh yes, Where in the World are Liz and Robert? is such a blast!! Your pix of Marla's apt are so stunning (especially compared to the ones I took on my cell phone)! Can't wait for tomorrow.

  18. Nice. Are you in the Northern part of India? I think the fruits are: (from left to right) Ber, guava & mangoes.
    Love the Bers with some masala

  19. Elizabeth - you should write another book called "Have camera, will travel!" I was so hoping we wouldget India, too - and I am not disappointed.

  20. oh my gosh! really really enjoying your great pics from the last few days! the flowers, the cupcakes, the london bridge, all of them ! Beautiful Elizabeth! Hope your jet lag is better.

  21. "What a wonderful surprise. I can't wait to see what happens next."
    ME TOO!
    Wow, great journey! Have a nice time!

  22. lucky girl !
    didn't know you were in India...
    enjoy it for us Elizabeth...
    have lots of fun !
    looking forward to your next post and some more lovely color pics...

  23. Although we are removed by miles and miles, we are still on the same page! I've just been writing about jet lag . . . and snagging a recipe for lemon pudding to be made tomorrow.

    I'm so looking forward to your new adventures, E. What is the temperature like?

  24. Oh, I have been to India and vowed to return. I am so excited for you. Love getting your pictures, knowing you are so far away and yet we can see what you are seeing almost in real time!

  25. You're in India :D Have tons of fun and I will be living in India via you :D

  26. You're there, you're there!!!! are there rabbits in India?

  27. I love that I am "traveling" with you,great pics....Barb

  28. Wonderful photos!! I look forward to more!

  29. We look forward to sharing your adventure via the blog.

  30. Hello Elizabeth, and many thanks for letting me see the world through your eyes.

    The London photos were making me nostalgic. And then, to see this first batch from India has got me very eyes wide open, and eager to see all the pix that will follow.

    Have a fabulous time. xo

  31. About New York and India – wow! It’s fun looking through the lens with you. Nice shots! I’m looking forward to more and am very impressed that you are still blogging on your vacation. Soak some warm sun up for me.

  32. Wow, you are in India....never expected that when I popped over for a visit1! How wonderful, and enjoy your adventure...I'll be checking back for the lovely nuggets you are sharing with us.

  33. Real beautiful photos!
    Brilliant imagination!!!

  34. a marvoullous pictures Are you suddenly in India. My brother and mother went there they loved the country

  35. For some reason I can'T
    wihthout wifi
    Will post a soon as I can find it.
    Lots of love to all
    India is stunning but impossible to post pitures!Sorry!Will get back into the blogosphere soon!

  36. Have a lovely time!!!! come home soon... love,celeste

  37. So you did get to London Elizabeth. I like the tree shadow best from those last few posts.

    However not just London! Lots of pics when you get back I guess.

    I had to double click the cycle as it looked like 'one on each end going in different directions'


I look forward to hearing from you!