Monday, July 22, 2013

Brooklyn/ Sunday

Not quite so hot...but still sticky.

We take the L train to Brooklyn so we can look at Manhattan from afar. I'm trying out a new Instagram lens which make things look a bit more gloomy than it actually was...

So, when not in Manhattan people need to look at it through a telescope

or have their photos taken with The Empire State Building as a backdrop. 

Plenty of good lunch snacks at Smorgasburg in Williamsburg near Brooklyn Flea.

I have a love/hate relationship with 'old stuff', but the turquoise color was fun and sort of Mexican (as was lunch)

Heads without bodies are always a bit disturbing. Note the floating one on the left.

Guess what this one's earrings are made from...

you got it!...


  1. Finally catching up with your blog and am so delighted to do so. Your NYC photos always make it look so shiny and clean and gorgeous. Thought narry a blade of grass or lady bird- it looks most appealing. And the beach, wow, so refreshing- I could leap right into my monitor! The babes are still really good at being the most adorable. They have it down pretty well! Love Henry looking crazy wild enthusiastic.
    News here, I have a TOILET! Dexter sends a rather limp , hot

  2. Glas you are cooler there. It is soooo sticky here today. I enjoyed your pics.

  3. Intriguing, a "new Instagram lens" - a filter, I'd guess. Interesting look, Love the views of Manhattan, beautiful pictures!

    So far, around here we are lucky, hot, but not humid, and the nights are fresh and cool.

    Big hug,

  4. Happy to hear your weather is finally cooling off a little.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. Buy four get one free intrigues me Elizabeth. Would this make five earrings and if so who would need those. (Thinking about it who would need a zipper earring anyway!)

  6. Love the second one of the two girls with their backs to us!

  7. City trips - you would have gotten interesting looks carrying any of those heads back on the subway.

  8. What a deal. Buy four earrings and get one free! :-)

  9. Interesting earrings. That's a new one for me.
    And yes, floating heads are creepy.

  10. What odd things you discover - zipper earrings!


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