Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More Dogs

I had such fun at the dog show on Monday, I went back for more.
As far as yesterday's unscientific poll went, the winners were the rough-haired dachshund and the Scottish deer  hound. Mostly because of their lovely soulful eyes.

I like taking pictures of the dogs with their owners.
There are some pictures just of dogs I like --though I like mutts best of all.
This is the bliss of blogging. No editors to insist on stuff.....

This character managed to relax amidst all the hubbub.

Lots of people like toy dogs and there were oodles of dog accessories for sale.

The wirehaired German pointer is a very fancy breed but manages to look like a mutt.


Some dogs and owners were getting hot and tired.

Some were getting a little anxious...

or even bored.

This is the one who wants to be a mutt.

And one who certainly isn't.

And finally, my personal best in show, Colin, the Welsh Springer Spaniel.
For more fun go to
Mike Sentil sent me this link here.


  1. I saw the pomeranian in the blogroll at Artit and had to come over and check things out. Great photos. I love the energy at dog shows.

  2. These are some beauties, for sure. My fave today is the one you labeled "wow".

    My word verification is "stout"...hmm...what is it trying to tell me?!

  3. What fun dog photos! I love how the owners match their pooches. This makes me realize what a fluffy mess my dog is. I forgot to comb her out after her post-beach bath, and she’s having a bad fur day.

  4. I never met a dog I didnt want to adopt

  5. They're soooo cute!

    I love dogs!

    Regards from Ibiza, Spain.

  6. Still, just too amusing.....thanks for the repeat visit.

  7. such a variety! it's an amazing event...

  8. Oh, so adorable -- all of them. I especially like the one who has managed to catch a few zzzzzzzzs.

    My turn to link you! ;-)


  9. I love the proud posture of the final pooch. Colin has such dignity. You covered it all Elizabeth, the peppy, the tired, the bored, the proud...<3

  10. I watched it last night on TV! So great. I got really into it (must have been the excessive amount of wine I was drinking for no particular reason) - I'm fond of the big dogs and wanted the Bernese to win, though I had to admit the Pom was incredibly cute.

  11. I love dogs and their owners. These are great Elizabeth!

  12. These are just wonderful, Elizabeth. What a great bunch of characters! :-)

  13. Hello Elizabeth, Lucky you to have two days of going to those champion dogs.

    I like each and every one of them.

    Bet that the sound effects were as remarkable as the grooming.

    Thank you for virtually taking me to that "fair."


  14. Gosh! Such a variety...and so many dog/owner co-ordinating outfits.

    (Sam - my old lab - always wore a spotted neckachief. Very fetching it was, too.)

  15. Is it silly for me to ask how you were back stage at the show? are you involved with it in some way? Have a friend who was showing? Are showing yourself? Did I miss a post about that?

  16. Love dogs...and loved this fun post, Elizabeth! I miss having a dog sometimes. But we have it much easier with our cat at the moment, and he rules the roost--LOL! Happy Days ((HUGS))

  17. Loved them all. Never realized the dog show allowed so much interaction between the pets, owners AND the public, is there a lot of barking?

  18. I don't really "get" dog shows, but your photos are really winsome.

  19. I love the mutts, too! But gosh, I love them all. Edward sat beside me as we watched Best in Show and, as usual, I cried when the winner was announced!! A ten year old dog! How perfect was that?

  20. Oh my, I love dog shows! What fun you must have had. Thanks for sharing these sweet faces.

    PS I finally finished my "F" post ;-)

  21. The looks on their really captured them perfectly.

    Love when the owners and dogs look so much alike.

  22. i know i loved that scottish deer hound tiger woods! he was my fave...

  23. YUM. Love it. Thanks for these sweeties for Valentine's! off to read the previous post...

  24. The pictures of the dogs are wonderful. And I loved the pictures of NYC. We come up every spring for the shows and just to drink in the city.


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