Thursday, July 10, 2008


Nothing like a day at the beach to blow away the fumes of the city.
Robert Moses is the continuation of Jones Beach and stretches for mile upon mile just off the south shore of Long Island.

On Tuesday the waves were pretty wild and most people had fun splashing on the shore.

Only rather hardy, brave souls actually swam.
In view of all the depressing news about childhood obesity in the US, I recommend parents take take their children to the beach and let them run around to their hearts' content.
Much better than mouldering in front of the TV/computer.......but that's just me.

The requisite artsy photo of the fence that keeps the dunes in check.

The seagulls are beach- appropriate but very greedy.
Always on the lookout for the stray bit of sandwich.......
But here they are trying to behave, and are are noting the warning sign and not going swimming.

A voracious seagull once snatched R's hamburger right out of his hand as it was on its way to his mouth.
Here they decorate the top of the snack bar awaiting their next victim.
Here's hoping all of you get to the beach very soon.

I have been lucky enough to be given awards by both M.Kate at La Vie est Belle and
Willow from Willow Manor.
I am very touched and grateful that people have fun reading my blog.
I enjoy visiting lots of different blogs for all sorts of reasons and think there are many , many fascinating, kind and talented people out there.
Hard to single people out.
I like to travel round the globe on the internet........(when I'm meant to be writing or doing laundry and other important stuff).
So to everyone on my sidebar and everyone else out there who enriches my life
keep on blogging.
And to M.Kate and Willow special thanks today.


  1. You are very welcome, Elizabeth. Your lovely blog is a daily joy.

    I can feel the sand and salty sea air over here this morning! :)

  2. Oh, this makes me want to be there! We've been the victim of a lunch-snatching seagull before! :)

  3. What a fun day at the beach. Someone, once, referred to seagulls as "rats of the air", but the ones you captured in pictures serve as decorative elements.

  4. We went to Robert Moses a few weeks ago - beautiful and empty (possibly because of gale force winds).

    Three cheers for your blog!

  5. Congratulations on both awards! You certainly deserve them! Really love this post, I am always in love with the beach and everything that goes with it, including the rude sea gulls! :)

  6. Congratulations on your recent awards! How nice is that?! :)

    Looks like you had a lovely day on the beach. I'm yearning to go there soon...maybe this Sunday... Yes, I agree with you. Going to the beach is waaaay better than being a tv couch pototo. Many of my own childhood memories took place on a beach.

  7. what a lovely day out on the beach...looks so refreshing and I thought perhaps you missed Essaouira (may be a tiny bit ?)

    I agree with you to let kids play with the waves instead of being in front of computer...

    and..congrats for your awards !!

  8. Thanks for the beach photos. I'm counting the days until I get to go...

  9. Hello Elizabeth......and congratulations on your awards!

    I enjoyed these beach photos. I live quite near a beach but its rocky and pebbly. Unfortunately the sandy beaches in Toronto are plagued by high germ counts in the water and I don't think it's safe to go in deeper than your ankles. Something very wrong with the world when you live near one of the largest fresh water bodies on the continent but you can't actually swim in it for fear of infection.

  10. Congrats on your new awards!

    I haven't bee to the beach in ages.


  11. FANTASTIC PICTURES ! Congratulations for your work!
    best regards!

  12. These are beautiful beach scenes. As pesky as seagulls can be, they are at least interesting subject material for photos :)

    I agree with you about kids needing to run around rather than always sitting in front of the TV / computer!

    Congrats on your well deserved awards!


I look forward to hearing from you!