Sunday, July 20, 2008

Shadow Shot Sunday

Very late in the day to join Hey Harriet's Shadow shot Sunday!
And Robert's photos not mine.
The first two a ceiling light in our apartment.

The kids call it the flying ironing board.
It has little plastic panels to put in it to make different colors.........

The other day we rented a car to go to the beach.
It was an amazingly jolly blue.
The tail light was very red.

The Frank Gehry building has reflections rather than shadows........but oh well........


  1. That's pretty cool, the ceiling light, I don't think I've ever seen a light like that before!

    That tail light is VERY red!

    Love the Frank Gehry building shot...isn't a reflection on it's way to being a shadow anyway? :)

  2. Great shadow shots, love the vibrant colours you've captured.

  3. Well you are the only person I know of that has a 'flying ironing board' style ceiling light! Weird but wonderful. Must create a nice party atmosphere! Love all your shots & you're not late with SSS btw. It's still Sunday in your part of the world :)

  4. Wonderful pictures as silly of me, I kept going to the Marakesh blog and thought you were abducted by aliens hahaaha..(kidding..dont get mad)..but love that last picture. At times I take photos and often wondered..between shadows and reflections, but have seen some posting reflections as shadows too..anyway, rambling now..have a blessed week ahead :)

  5. What a great blog you have. Adding you to my google reader. Glad I found you and thanks for visiting mine!

  6. Lovely colour play!

  7. I can't quite figure out what the ceiling light really looks like...curious here.

  8. Great pics. The Gehry building is a favorite. During the months of its construction, when its odd angles were but skeletal legs and limbs, we referred to it as Howl's Moving Castle. Once the building got its skin, it wasn't quite as interesting.

  9. Fantastic shots ! yes, especially the Gehry building..

    i've just been on the Marrakesh blog and read you were not too sure when you'll get back there. Hope you don't miss it too much and that you'll go there soon...

    ps: so how was your gazpacho ? :-)

  10. Wonderful shots..they look like modern art! Happy Days ((HUGS))

  11. And the Frank Gehry makes another appearance! Why do I have the feeling there will be more in the future? It is such an interesting piece of work!


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