Nothing greener than apples.
But nothing much in the Green Market today because nothing too much is growing round here.
The apples must be from last fall.
This is Madison Square Park - as against Madison Square Garden. Don't ask. At 23rd Street and 5th Avenue.
Inside the Flat Iron building they have uncovered some sort of antique (Egyptian style?) pillar. Very odd.
Odder yet the statues inside ABC Carpet which have oddly religious overtones - but merely for 'decoratif' effect.
However, it all glitters and looks wonderful - if a little over the top.
Finally, at Union Square, I notice I can buy grass in little pots.
Once we did buy this for the late lamented Skippy and Gomez. They weren't interested.
The simplicity of it is appealing.
It was very cold again today.
We expect snow tonight.