Friday, February 29, 2008

Green Market

Nothing greener than apples.
But nothing much in the Green Market today because nothing too much is growing round here.
The apples must be from last fall.

This is Madison Square Park - as against Madison Square Garden. Don't ask. At 23rd Street and 5th Avenue.

Inside the Flat Iron building they have uncovered some sort of antique (Egyptian style?) pillar. Very odd.

Odder yet the statues inside ABC Carpet which have oddly religious overtones - but merely for 'decoratif' effect.

However, it all glitters and looks wonderful - if a little over the top.

Finally, at Union Square, I notice I can buy grass in little pots.
Once we did buy this for the late lamented Skippy and Gomez. They weren't interested.
The simplicity of it is appealing.
It was very cold again today.
We expect snow tonight.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


A high school on 24th Street has very swanky doors.
It's cold walking up to Whole Foods.

A bistro on 8th Avenue has door whose color reminds me of Marrakech.

One flower to a vase.......very tasteful and, one hopes, not too pricey.

Between 8th and 7th Avenue on 18th Street, I come upon a strange hand and wonder if I should have my fortune told. But I don't.

The golden lion looks suitably mysterious and rather fierce.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Looking out of the Window

No landscape to record here so have fun trying to capture the lights with my miserable camera.

This is looking along 24th Street.

This is looking along 24th Street towards 9th Avenue.

So is this.

This is a really odd/bad photo. Have to go out and take some better ones.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Originally uploaded by schmidwix2
After all that snow it's good to look out of the window.
Robert took this one on a cloudy evening.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Because I mostly live in Marrakech where there isn't any snow except up in the Atlas Mountains, I love it here.
Even ordinary little homes look magical to me.

Ice coating the rhodedendron leaves where the water drips from the snow melting on the roof.

Bare tree branches are evocative and lovely.

In the nature preserve brambles and thorns in the sunlight.

More tree branches.......
Can't resist......

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Looking out of the window at Pop Burger. It's a good thing New York taxis are yellow.
We need some color - even if it isn't a pretty one.......

Between 8th and 7th Avenues - on my way to buy a name brand winter coat at Loehman's for $29.
New York is amazing for buying things.

Architectural details are fascinating anywhere.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

It Snows in Tappan

Very pretty.

But very cold.

I volunteered to take the dog for a walk.
He pulled on his leash so it was hard to take pictures.

A little bit like a Christmas tree?

The dog got lumps of snow under his legs etc etc. On the whole he enjoyed his outing.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Curiosities, Colors and Advertisements

A theatrical props place near Barnes and Noble off 6th Avenue. I'm not sure what the pink flamingo has to do with the madonna and the now unseasonal Christmas trees.

Bright chairs and a carnation in Pop Burger on 9th Avenue.

Old advertisements from Chelsea Market - the old Nabisco factory.

A very 'green' (?!) advertisement painted on the wall in the Meatpacking District.

Pigs looking cheerful - which they shouldn't be really since we all know what's in store for them...........
Also seen in the Meatpacking District.

Dean and Deluca's stag in Soho. Hm........

Thursday, February 21, 2008

New York People

New York people are watched over by the police who tend to be plump and like to hang out near where they sell food. However, they have never been less than polite to me.
This character is watching all the masses of somewhat colorless people swirl by on Penn Station.

New York people travel downtown on the E train. When they are told to change trains at W.14th at catch the A train to Spring Street - because there is work on the tracks - they do as they are told only to discover the A train does not stop at Spring Street.
When they try to take a photo of the little engine that does the track work, they get yelled at by a subway worker......

Or they arrive at Penn Station from Long Island all set to make their fortunes.....

only to end up serving coffee at Chelsea Market on 9th Avenue.........

or pretending to be Elvis........

After they have retired they can walk home from church with a friend.......

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


The Empire State Building from 23rd Street. Afternoon light.
New York architecture tends to the vertical and the dramatic.

Heading towards Manhattan on the Long Island Rail road.
Late afternoon.

The same thing........

7th Avenue at 20th Street.

Walking along 9th Avenue.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Color for a Change

This blog was getting rather gray - color and charm lacking.
So a wonderful cake from Dean and Deluca -pity it's no one I know's birthday.

A red wall opposite Pearl Paint off Canal Street.
A splendid day for walking - unseasonably mild with rain showers.
We walked from Canal Street to 23rd. Street.

Jiffy Lube looking cheerful near Chelsea Market.
It smelled of oil.

Rather monochrome flowers in Dean and Deluca.
They would go well with the birthday cake.

Waiting patiently outside a shop on 8th Avenue.