Friday, March 28, 2008

Blacks and Pinks

Pretty fierce looking doors down on 10th Avenue near the book shop by Clement Moore Park.

More of the same.

We went to the Red Dot Fair at the Park South Hotel on Thursday.
This is where I found this chandelier.
Some of Robert's paintings were on show there.
The whole hotel - three floors of it - was a warren of mini-art galleries for the week.
Gallery owners who had come from foreign parts ( ie Berlin or San Francisco) were using the rooms as galleries during the day - but sleeping there at night.
A novel idea.


  1. i found this too!i lived in nyc a long time. my father and grandmother (and my middle daughter)born there! you have a charmed life! i'll be back here too:)

  2. That a wonderful idea for an exhibition - I don't know the hotel but will look for it.

  3. I like the door and window below. I wonder how long it takes to light and extinguish the candles.


  4. The window behind that cool chandelier is really amazing....great shot.


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