Showing posts with label zebra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zebra. Show all posts

Monday, July 14, 2008


I did not go to the zoo. As you know, I'm quite happy for my family to pinch-hit for me.
While I was left dealing with livestock in Chelsea (see previous entry) Robert went to the Bronx with his brother.
He brought me a very nice pencil back.......and lots of photos.

A rather wonderful gila monster in a very fancy 'costume' - -pronounce in the French fashion. His arm is amazing.

The giraffe looks pale because he was in the distance.
R. said its skin, and the skin of the zebra below, were so lovely you could see why they are valuable. Which makes them very vulnerable in the wild.
However, R. wasn't convinced the north Bronx is where they would most want to be.

These are extremely clean camels, rather different from the ones on the beach in Essouira.
No fleas on Faisel. They are freshly groomed, shampooed and trimmed.
Robert hardly recognized them as camels at all.
He thought they were dark brown and here they were 'camel' colored.
They had little saddles and carried children around and didn't spit at them once.