Saturday, February 3, 2018

Winter Continues...and What to Do to Combat it...

The groundhog has spoken.
Six more weeks of winter - and it's still bitter cold.

Madison Square Park is bright and chilly

But Eric Kayser serves hot tea and gives you a little tiny financier in your saucer.
Another day I repair to the flower district

and bathe in bright ranunculus 

and more ranunculus

and anemones

and weird begonias with swirls in them

and my very favorites - hellebores more charmingly referred to as Lenten Roses.

I go home and make sketches and start on a new tapestry design having stocked up on colored wools.
I'm reading Agnes Jeykll's Kitchen Essays from 1922 which summon up a lost world and have just finished Diana Holman-Hunt's delightfully batty memoir My Grandmothers and I from 1960.
Only six more weeks.....


  1. only six more weeks for you, we may get a reprieve in July. Flowers would be such a good way to cheer us up, but there are no flowers here. Make your own, you say, I will do just that!

  2. Those beautiful flowers are indeed inspirational, a wonderful array of beauty and colour.

  3. You take the most beautiful photos.
    The NY you show is wonderful, bright, cheery and fabulous.

    cheers, parsnip and mandibles

  4. How very cheering this post is, dear Elizabeth! I love that view from Madison Square, and have fine memories of seeing it on my way home from work some years ago.
    All your photographs are grand. xo


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