Saturday, September 25, 2010

Robert Moses Beach

Probably the last visit to the beach this September.
A very misty day, but the colors of the foliage in the dunes sang.

Virginia creeper.

Beach rose leaves turning the color of fall....

and a rose-hip to knock your socks off.

I'm not quite sure what would happen if you ate the berries on the creeper.
Probably best avoided.


  1. I love the colors that appear this time of year! So pretty Elizabeth!


  2. I bought a skein of yarn today, made up of all of those delicious colours!

  3. thanks so much for sharing! i use to live right there in Long Beach...great time of the year...
    funny i was actually thinking about the beach today...
    i live in Arizona now.

  4. Those berries do look enticing...try them in a pie but leave the pie where your little garden, that keeps disappearing, is located...

  5. Ah! the Autumnal colors of Robert Moses...beautifully captured Elizabeth.

  6. Autumn arrived - also in Germany!


  7. I think Linda Sue has a great way to find out if the berries taste bad. Anyone who would steal your garden would probably steal and eat your pie. Joke would be on them. Your beach photos are excellent.

  8. Beautiful pictures of fall! Great colors

  9. i've never heard of beach roses....nor seen fall colors by the sea. lovely.

  10. Elizabeth, people who told us what to do with tobacco, tea leaves or coffee bean would have told us about these berries too. They may have some medicinal properties that no one found out.

  11. Very interesting and colourful fauna on the beach.

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