Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Gallery of Animals/India

Apologies: These entries are getting much too long.
We are now back in New York, but, since some people are enjoying India, probably about four more days.......

Although there are no lions in India except in zoos, the lion is a powerful symbol and often seen. Here on a sort of sedan chair in Jodhpur. He reminded R. of our cat Mr.B in Marrakesh.

Here in a garden in Udaipur. We only saw four domestic cats in three weeks...very odd.

These little creatures, who resemble squirrels/chipmunks/gerbils (erudite readers please tell me the name,) are all over the place -- very bold and cheerful. This one is ejoying my extra cornflakes in Ranacpur.

This haughty camel was about to take tourists on an evening stroll. 
Much less grueling work than his cousins who pull carts along the busy roads.

Mother and child. The donkeys tend to be quite small. 
The loads they pull are somewhat smaller than in Morocco.
 Quite near Ranacpur.

Yes, yes, I know. We have seen this character before - but a different photo. 
The very essence of dogness. Look at the spotted tummy and fat front paws. 
No inbreeding here. Had he been in America I would have adopted him that instant. 

Dogs in India have either a good or bad time of it depending on how you look at it. 
Very few have owners and leads. They get to wander around freely. People pretty much ignore them --maybe throw them some scraps, but they don't hit them or shoo them away. 
Some are quite pitifully thin and in some towns more prosperous. Almost all limp.
 Here a little dog, whose ancestors continue to this day, is fed in a mural by the lake in Udaipur.

These churning, sacred, whiskery cat fish in the lake at Jeselmer enjoy eating sliced white bread. Ramesh bought some from a  nearby vendor.
Holy cow indeed!

Another mother and child in the street in Jeselmer.


  1. you did not use 'squirrel' as tag for this post ... nervertheless, that is my favorite :)

  2. Some really interesting pictures as usual Elizabeth. It always seems to me so unatural to see cows sitting on concrete.

    The fish look like our pond at feeding time at the moment. Far too many fish but being healthy they breed so well.

  3. Your pictures make me miss India, now I definitely have to go back. I love the photo of the dog, I always felt very sorry for the dogs in India, many of them look so miserable, but this one is surprisingly happy.

  4. camel
    enjoying your extra cornflakes.

    eating sliced white bread.

    now i am wondering
    if they
    have moon~pies in india


    maybe in the southern part...

    {{ i so thank you for taking me
    along on your journey
    the jet~lag~less way }}

  5. Wonderful portraits of animals, Elizabeth! I would have taken that dog home too...Sooo cute!! Have been enjoying your India posts so much. It's been like taking a mini-break from my chair--thank you! Happy Days settling in home again with creature comforts :o) (8HUGS))

  6. delightful pix of the squirrel/chipmunk. The framing and his markings compliment each other. You do have a teriffic eye (gee, have I said that before? lol).

    I am glad you showed the dog pic again and you hit it on the head -- it IS the essence of dogness.

    Holy Cow made my day.

  7. It sure looks like a chipmunck .. its not a lemur ..

    Love all these photos what an amazing trip this was ... glad to hear you are home.

  8. Holy cow and dogs and squirrels! ;-)

    Enjoyed your Indian journey very much!

    I returned from Rome this morning,
    still in a haze of Roman Springtime impressions.

  9. Glad to hear you are home, safe and sound!

    Please do give us more India! Your pics are incredible!!

  10. What a fabulous time you must have had! I am enjoying your photographs very much!


  11. Your photos and commentary are so interesting.
    Everything is decorated in India even the little squirrel like creatures are decorative.

  12. Lovely photos elizabeth. I like the one of the donkeys - glad to hear the loads they pull are smaller than those in Marrakech - I was horrified to see how much they were expected to carry!

  13. Such amazing photos. That camel looks huge! And I really like the cow photo. A really fun post. I am going to show it to my daughter when she comes home from school.

  14. Always interesting to see visitors' take on the stray animals (even cows appear to be stray, but aren't) in India! You'd mentioned cats - very few people keep them as house pets - a cultural thing. We have two cats here, but that doesn't count. But a LOT of people in India "adopt" stray cats, so the cats just go to some houses when they need food, and get milk, rice, bread etc there. Stray animals have a good and bad life there. They are free and so have a lot of attitude, but sometimes starve and can get into accidents. Animals in the wild, including tigers, are disappearing too fast ... because of poaching, and indiscriminate clearing of forests for industries and "development".

  15. I loved all the photos. The dog is my favourite, and the lions.

  16. Hi E-

    I don't come again til mid June, when I'm graduating from classes I'm taking there as a distance learner. But there is a chance I might og for thr third weekend in May. I would love to meet for coffee and I'll keep you updated as it gets closer. yay

  17. never EVER too long...LOVE your pics and blogs....keep 'em coming no matter how long... xxx j

  18. The entries can get as long as you want them to be. I will still be enjoying them. The snap of the dog is a joy to watch. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.


I look forward to hearing from you!