Showing posts with label sunflowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunflowers. Show all posts

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday Morning

Something cheery for the beginning of the week.
Photographed at the Green Market at Union Square on Saturday.
There were lots of bees buzzing around attracted to the stunning yellow.

We took white lilies and peaches home. The flowers are almost overwhelmingly sweet smelling.
Sadly, the peaches look better than they taste. Sob, sob: they are not Moroccan peaches which were so tasty and wonderful you could buy kilos of them and stew them and make peach crumble and enjoy the juice dripping over your fingers as you worked with them. Oh well.

It seems to be artichoke and new potato season.
We didn't get artichokes because R. said it was too much work eating them for what you got.
I should have insisted.
I will get them next week...........