Showing posts with label play. Show all posts
Showing posts with label play. Show all posts

Monday, August 11, 2008

Water Everywhere

My favorite duck pond with lotus and lilies near the Irish Hunger Memorial.
The pool reflects the towering buildings but retains a human scale.

The ducks, like ducks anywhere, are very greedy.

In Battery Park a play area with a sprinkler.
In the very far distance you can see the Statue of Liberty.

Rotting wooden pilings in the Hudson in Chelsea. I'm always attracted to elegant and picturesque decay.

On 9th Avenue the playground sprinklers make a star design.
Sprinklers rule in August.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

More Shadows and How We Spend our Time

You can tell I have too much time on my hands.......or else am avoiding doing important stuff.
Three photographs of a balsa wood plane!!!!

But the light falls so slantily wonderfully in the evenings.
Very good for "Shadow Shot Sunday" see Hey Harriet for details.

We throw the plane round the apartment a lot. A harmless diversion. So called 'creative' people like doing time-wasting things like that. And looking out of the window.........You name it. I do it. Except not TV because that really wastes time.
All those commecials for awful diseases one hadn't even thought about worrying about before.
Any way.........
Question: What's your best/worst thing to do when you are meant to be doing something else?

The work table covered with print outs of images ready to be organized into ...........something.
They are juggled and shuffled like packs of playing cards.......
Random juxtapositions sometimes lead to something interesting. Maybe.