Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Nature Study

When I was at primary school in England in the 1950's we had "Nature Study" classes - but in fact we seemed to spend most of our time doing 'nature study' on our own in the woods and streams and fields nearby. Even the back yard is replete with possibilities. Worms!

Definitely worth hunting for.

And other weird stuff under stones... (photo taken in October on a mild day!)

Even in November there are nasturtiums and roses, snapdragons and parsley. Soon the frost will come and all this will be  memory.

Underfoot, leaves gleam, and in the market fruit abounds.



Edible calendula... who knew - though we always ate nasturtiums.

Little bits of flowers from the roof garden.

And pears

and Winesap apples - the very best for eating and cooking and looking at.
Nature study indeed.


  1. What wondrous things are out there, to discover, look at, touch or take pictures of, Elizabeth!
    Enjoyed this colourful collection immensely, thank you!

  2. Love the earthy colors of this time of year. Love the excitement in the kid's faces. Great photos!

  3. Your blog is always so wonderful.
    From the photos to your very easy writing style.
    That is what I wanted to do on my blog. Lots of photos with small amount of type.
    Haven't quite succeeded yet.

    Woofs to Buster
    cheers, parsnip

  4. Elizabeth, I love studying nature, and am so happy to have the evidence in your photographs that a much younger generation also feels the same, worms and all.


  5. As always beautiful photos, the little ones looked idyllic.

  6. Those apples look absolutely beautiful. I love Autumn....as long as it's not raining! x

  7. The grand children are adorable. I am going to check to check all your posts out but won't be able to comment on all unfortunately right now. Don't want to miss seeing them though.


I look forward to hearing from you!