Thursday, December 1, 2011


For some reason Wednesday was extra bright.

They were painting the outside of U-Haul for the season......

had parked a silvery movie set wagon

these men( a symphony in silver in blue) were nodding to Hannukah maybe. 

I'm not sure what the pink feather tree celebrates--- but it's Chelsea....

Anyway the afternoon turned cold and gray

so we set out for the Union Square craftsmarket 
(under the direction of George Washington!)

where the winter greens set us up for the solstice

or just plain GREEN.

As a good American, I long to buy things.....especially things made locally.
Here super tee-shirts made in Brooklyn 

and glamorous alpaca hats

but there were also the gypsy delights of India

and Paz from Spain's exquisite textile jewelry.

I like the postcard and philosophy of  Hazel Village whose "animals live round a pond in the forest where they do industrious projects together and make each other presents."

I bought apples and pears.


  1. Some gorgeous things there, Elizabeth.

    What a lovely thing it would be to live around a pond and make presents for friends!

    I do so admire people with such creative ideas. I wish I had some!

  2. I want a hat and I want to live in the silvery wagon with the unexpected front door! Preferably by that pond.

    Lovely tour.

  3. Beautiful photos today. The apples and pears one is wonderful.
    I want to live Hazel Village and make each other presents.
    Sweet !

    cheers, parsnip

  4. I love the Colonial gentleman on his horse (is that George Washington) looming above the fresh greens at the market!

  5. some Christmas decorations arrived!

  6. Oh I do like those alpaca hats - how fun! I wish I could wander to the places that you go

  7. love all the stalls and their people

  8. All eye candy but yes, I too fell for the alpaca hats!

  9. Its my dream to go to New York one day Elizabeth :) It's getting all festive and happy now...we have that feeling too, only lots of cotton for snow and artificial snowman....happy weekend :)

  10. Love your gorgeous photos as always, Elizabeth!

    Wishing you all a pleasant weekend.
    Sending kisses to dear Buster.

  11. Bravo ! Avec vous j'ai un grand plaisir à revisiter avec votre grand talent cette belle ville de NY, j'ai eu la chance de l'entrevoir une quinzaine de jours, il y a deux ans... Depuis je viens chez vous.(J'habite Paris)


  12. Wonderful photos. You make me want to come to NY to see alpaca hats, solstice greens, textures, lines, light, colors. Every picture suggests a story.

  13. I love the feel and insight I get from your pictures.


I look forward to hearing from you!